Appropriately, the title of my novel is The Summer Boy. Here are excerpts from reader reviews on Amazon--NOTE: Amazon has, for some reason, discounted the paperbook price to $3.33, a real bargain. The ebook price there and elsewhere is 99 cents. 
- The tension begin on page one and escalates, breathlessly, until the final, deadly confrontation. There are no slow parts, no boring middle, just a steady ratcheting of the stakes for these believable, likeable characters.
- Pacing was good, story questions abounded, tension was always present, ebbing and flowing and keeping the reader off guard.
- His story of a young man and woman discovering who they are and what they're capable of is consistently full of heart and humor. The journey he takes his readers on is thrilling and an absolute joy to read.
- A warm and engrossing tale of growing up--Texas style. You'll find yourself rifling through the pages as you sweat through the oppressive Texas heat along with Jesse, a young man struggling to survive his summer job as a ranch hand in 1950s Texas.
- Ray Rhamey's characters come alive on the page and the story draws you in with its many facets - romance, murder, philosophy. A nice way to spend an afternoon.
There are more reviews at Amazon. At 99 cents, the Kindle is as near to free as I can get it. And the paperback is $3.33. You can purchase the paperback here and the Kindle version here. An epub/Nook version for 99 cents is here.
And, please, give it a review if you read it.
Many thanks,