I’m an Indie author (the evolving preferred label for self-published authors) and I edit and design books for Indie authors. In this article by Lorraine Devon Wilke on Huffpost, “Is Self-Publishing Killing Books? My Journey With After the Sucker Punch Answers the Question.” BTW, nice cover design—clarity and mystery.
Lorraine has good words for we Indies. For example, these:
“. . . there is no shortage of talent out there in the great, undiscovered public.”
While she admits to there being no scarcity of self-pubbed books that fall far short of professional in cover design and narrative quality, she points out the good flip side:
“. . . not only do I believe self-publishing isn't killing books, I believe it's actually enlivened the marketplace, bringing a fresh, less structured, less filtered, more open life to the entire literary industry. And how has it done that?”
The answer involves gatekeepers, a parallel that she makes with the music industry. Worth a read.
Meanwhile, there’s a shortage of submissions to the Flogometer, so send yours in for a free critique and insights from readers.
Submitting to the Flogometer:
Email the following in an attachment (.doc, .docx, or .rtf preferred, no PDFs):
- your title
- your complete 1st chapter or prologue plus 1st chapter
- Please include in your email permission to post it on FtQ. Note: I’m adding a copyright notice for the writer at the end of the post. I’ll use just the first name unless I’m told I can use the full name.
- Also, please tell me if it’s okay to post the rest of the chapter so people can turn the page.
- And, optionally, include your permission to use it as an example in a book on writing craft if that's okay.
- If you’re in a hurry, I’ve done “private floggings,” $50 for a first chapter.
- If you rewrite while you wait for your turn, it’s okay with me to update the submission.
Flogging the Quill © 2014 Ray Rhamey