My computer is still in the shop—they’re having trouble retrieving the data from the back-up drive, so I’m nervous.
Since I can’t flog anyone, I thought it would be interesting to see what your participation in writers conferences is and how you feel about it.
I’m doing my Killer Description and Dialogue workshop soon at the San Miguel Writers’ Conference in Mexico soon (check it out) and, while most people report liking my workshops and learning from them, every once in a while someone comes away disappointed. I suspect it may have been a result of misguided expectations, or perhaps just a bad fit of their style with mine, or I just didn't do a good job for that person despite the majority opinion. So I wonder.
So—how about letting me know your participation in conferences—the poll below allows 2 responses. Please respond and tell me whether or not you’ve attended a writers conference and, if so, how you felt about it.
Also—how about telling me, using Comments:
- What kinds of workshops you attended?
- What you gained from the workshops?
- What has disappointed you about workshops or conferences you’ve attended?
- What's a really good experience you had at a writers conference?