Writing book-length fiction and non-fiction has changed rapidly, and the changes--self-publication, the Internet, graphic design and desk-top publishing software, ebooks--have affected what I do and how I do it.
So I'm wondering what, in this new world, you're doing? Not so much how things have changed for you, though that's interesting to me as well, but what you're working on in your writing. There's a big fat poll after a note on what I'm up to.
Here are my current foci:
1. Marketing "The Pantser's Path to a Published Novel," non-fiction, to seven publishers. If that doesn't work, I'll probably see if I can generate it on my own (and with your hel) to self-publish.
2. Markeing "Blood on the Page, Lessons in Crafting a Killer First Page," non-fiction, to the same seven publishers. If that doesn't work, I'll definitely self-publish it: I have all the material, it's just a matter of slogging through it, selecting, polishing, and editing. It would be like being able to go through roughly 70 floggings--complete with interesting writing and stories--at a sitting and without a computer. That kind of immersion could be enlightening.--a recent participant in my Killer First Page workshop at a writer's conference told me that going through a raft of openings all at once was even more effective for him than reading the ones one the blog.
3.For fiction, I'm wrestling with myself on starting the sequel to "The Vampire Kitty-cat Chronicles." Of all my published novels, this one is the one that attracts the most readers, and a sequel might be viable, and would definitely legitimize the original one. And, since I do book design, I'm intrigued by the idea of packaging the two novels together as a "double" novel the way publishers used to do science fiction and Western novels--you read a book one way for the first novel, then flip it to read the other. There are two front covers.
4. Then there's the editing and design work that all these tools have enabled me to do. I'm currently doing the book design for an author for whom I also did the edit, and that's both interesting and challenging.
Enough about me
What are you working on? Please use the comments section--really, please do--but, in case you'd rather not, below is a multiple-choice poll that will give us some idea of what FtQ readers are doing.
And, whatever your project is, the best of luck with it!