A good beach book. Pete Barber
Finding Magic: I'm a sucker for all things magical, so the title pulled me in. Annie, a member of the magical clans which exist in the real world hidden from sight by their magical powers, is being hunted by the authorities who suspect her of being a terrorist. As the chase develops, the author subtly builds the imaginary world in which the story will unfold, suspension of disbelief is not a problem. A clansman with a grudge against the lessi (think muggles) develops a virus, deadly to all except those with magical powers (think pure-bloods). The overzealous Homeland security agent with a big chip on her shoulder is easy to dislike, especially when she begins to leverage our hero's autistic child, but in the end, her meddling serves to draw the plot together for a wild finale at top of the Seattle Space needle. A good fast read which kept me involved throughout.